Home » Forage Seeds » Oilseed Crops » Striped sunflower Tweety

Striped sunflower Tweety
Registration: 2017 Italy, EU cat
Excellent grain quality: nice regular streaks
Decortication: suitable for decortication
Excellent production potential
Uses: industrial, feeding of birdseed mixtures
- Simple hybrid
- Starting strength: very good
- Precocity: early to medium early
- Plant height: quite tall, robust and stable plant
- Resistance to lodging: Very good
- Black STREAK on white background
- Caliber: medium small
- Oil content: good
- Oil richness: good
- Streaked grain
- Outlets / Uses: mixed birdseed, decortication for human consumption
Disease profile
- Downy mildew: resistant breeds 100, 304, 703, 710
- Sclerotinia (calatis and stem): not very susceptible
- Phomopsis: Not very sensitive, treatment recommended in areas with high risk
- Phoma: moderately susceptible
Sowing advice
- Distance between rows: 45 – 70 cm (recommended 45 – 50 cm)
- Sow 66,000 to 73,000 seeds/Ha (row spacing 60 cm)
- Packaging / Dose: 150,000 seeds (1 dose x approximately 2 ha) Pay attention to the caliber of the seed: check the adaptability of the seed drill discs